第四维(物理学上指时间,其他三维存在于空间,即长度、宽度和高度) In physics, the fourth dimension is time. The other three dimensions, which exist in space, are length, width, and height.
It could also explain why the expansion of the universe is speeding up with the addition of a fourth dimension. 该假设同时也指出随着宇宙的膨胀,将会增加第四个维度。
The fourth value dimension, masculinity, refers to the degree of traditionally "masculine" values assertiveness, materialism, and a lack of concern for others that prevail in a society. 阳刚之气,指的是传统的“男子气概”价值&过于自信、物质主义、缺乏对别人的考虑。
Space is considered to be three-dimensional and time is thought of as the fourth dimension. 空间被认为是三维的,而时间则被看作第四维。
These few humans then went on to ascend to the fourth dimension within the aurora where their descendants live unto this day. 这些少数人随后继续提升到极光中的第四密度,在那里,他们的后代一直生活到今天。
As we move into the Fourth Dimension, time is already compacting. 当我们进入第四度空间,时间已经紧密。
This is the null zone, and marks the shift from the third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension. 这是零的地域,从第三度空间转移到第四度空间的标记。
As this occurs, the music in our fields goes from off key or sour to harmonious, and we ascend to the next level of threshold upward in vibration towards the fourth dimension. 当此发生时,我们场中的音乐从酸楚变得和谐,而我们则提升到下一水平振动的起点直至第四密度。
Fourth dimensional earth will not know extremes in temperature, for within the fourth dimension there is not hot or cold; 第四维度的地球气候将不极端,因为第四维度里没有冷热,只有平衡。
Fourth, this dissertation studies the value of learning from axiological dimension. 第四,从价值维度阐释学习的价值。
The fourth dimension is time. 第四维是时间。
In order to enter the fourth dimension of thought-form, one must be70% light and30% density or dark. 为了进入到第四维度的思想形态,你必须有70%光明和30%的致密或说黑暗。
It was as earth dropped from the fourth into the third dimension that the experience of hot and cold became prevalent for each species. 正是当地球跌下第四密度而进入第三密度时,冷热的体验成为每一物种的普遍感受。
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
The key to understanding the third dimension lies in the fourth dimension. 第四维空间是了解第三维空间的关键。
For most humans, taking the form from cancer to ascension to the fourth or fifth dimension will not be possible. 对大多数人类而言,将身体直接从癌症提升到第四或第五维度,将是不可能的。
The Fourth Dimension of Time is a stable construct, though it is not impenetrable. 时间的第四维度十分稳定,但是它是可以穿过的。
Involving or relating to the fourth dimension or time. 涉及第四个维度或者涉及时间,与第四个维度相关,与时间相关。
On the third day, Mother Earth will fully enter the Photon Belt and the actual Shift to the Fourth Dimension will occur. 在第三天,大地之母将完全进入光子带而且上升到第四度空间的真实转移将发生。
A ghost is living on the fourth dimension ( soul world), so his spirit guide will be located in the sixth dimension ( mental plane). 一个鬼魂生活在第四次元(非物质界),所以他的指导灵也许位于第六次元(精神面)。
Just as he progressed from producing works on canvas to include the third and fourth dimension, he has also come to reconsider the role his own presence should play in the work. 正如他从在画布上创作作品发展到将三维和四维空间包容进来,他也反思了自己在作品中应该扮演的角色。
Many humans wish to ascend in a single lifetime and in the current embodiment to the fourth dimension. 许多人希望在一次生命中提升,并以当前的身体进入第四密度。
It was just a brain& the brain that dreamed a plastic fourth dimension, that banished the ether, that released the pins binding us to absolute space and time, that refused to believe God played dice. 那只不过是一个大脑,它想象了一个可伸缩的第四维度,它推翻了以太学说,它使我们从绝对时空的束缚中解脱出来,它拒绝相信上帝在抛骰子。
At this time, only the mountaintops in the most secluded regions, along with portions of the ocean even touch upon the fourth dimension. 那时,只有大多数隐蔽地区的山顶以及海洋部分才有可能接触到第四密度。
One might conclude that the expansion of our three-dimensional space requires the presence of a fourth dimension. 所以有人也许会急著下断语说,我们所处的三维空间,要膨胀就要有第四个维度存在。
That man in so elusive that one might suspect him of being able to disappear into a fourth dimension. 那个人神出鬼没,使人疑心他会消失到虚无之境中去。
The main content in the first to the fourth chapter is focused on the critical study on the dimension of philosophy of art of Western modern hermeneutics. 第一章对作为现代诠释学哲学前史的古代诠释学及近代诠释学与艺术之间的关联进行简单的历史回顾。
To represent time factor explicitly as fourth dimension and satisfy 4D and real-time requirements, Based on the fundamental part, a Fuzzy-Timing Petri Nets formal modeling technique was employed to expand the fundamental part to describe dynamic state transition of all essential. 以基准要素模型为扩展基础,为了显式地将时间因素作为第四维度,并满足四维和实时的需求,采用模糊时延Petri网技术对CVE各要素的动态状态变迁进行了良好的描述。
For one thing, English has a fourth dimension – the shape of the heart – in the process of meaning shift, while in Chinese, it is not so evident. 一方面,英语在词义变化过程中还存在第四个方向,即心的形状,而汉语则不明显。
In the fourth one, through analyzing the dimension of the corporate governance risk, the author chooses corporate performance, the relationship between stakeholders, quality of information disclosure to describe the corporate governance risk. 第四章对治理风险的表现形式进行分析,认为治理风险可以通过公司业绩差、利益相关者冲突、信息披露质量差等三方面来描述,并对这三方面进行了理论分析。